5 simple steps to cook Hue beef noodle soup at home

10/04/2024 1 Bình luận

Hue beef noodle soup originates from Hue city – central Vietnam. Initially, it was served as a dish for the royal family and nobles of the Nguyen Dynasty. However, after a while, it became a popular dish in the community.

Hue beef noodle soup has a rich, spicy and slightly sour flavor that has touched many hearts. Vermicelli is made from soft and chewy rice flour. The beef used is calf meat, beef tenderloin, etc. The broth is made from stewed bones, spices and herbs.

How to cook Hue beef noodle soup of Hue people

Step 1: Prepare ingredients to prepare traditional Hue beef noodle soup.

  • Pork trotters: 1kg.
  • Beef steak: 500gr.
  • Crab patties, beef patties or pork patties: 200gr.
  • Spices: 7 lemongrass plants, 2 onions, 1 garlic, 1 ginger, scallions, 2 spoons of shrimp paste, 1 lemon, soup powder, MSG,…

Step 2: Prepare pork trotters and beef filling.

  • After purchasing the pork leg, chop it into circles about 3cm thick. After that, wash the pork leg with a little salt and boil it briefly to remove dirt. Finally, take the pork leg out and rinse it with water.
  • Wash the beef, then put it on the stove and simmer over low heat for 2 hours until the meat is tender. At this step, you should add ½ ginger root to simmer together to make the meat more fragrant. After the meat is cooked (stick chopsticks through the meat), take it out, let it cool and slice thinly. Note, to keep the meat tender and not tough, you should cut the meat across the grain.

Step 3: Prepare other ingredients.

  • Roll the crab patties into small balls, drop them into the pot of boiling water above and wait until the water boils. The patties float to the surface of the water, which means the patties are cooked. At this point, take the patties out and set aside. You can replace the crab patties with beef patties, pork patties or tree patties depending on your family’s preferences.
  • Cut 3 lemongrass plants into 3 parts and then crush them, chop the remaining 4 plants into small pieces.
  • Cut 1 onion in half, slice the remaining onion thinly.

Step 4: How to cook Hue beef noodle soup of Hue people.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of shrimp paste into 100ml of cold water, stir well to combine.
  • Stir-fry the minced lemongrass with minced onions, minced garlic, minced chili and 3 tablespoons of cashew oil to make satay. Remember to stir well so the ingredients don’t burn. When the ingredients have turned yellow, turn off the stove immediately.
  • Simmer prepared pork trotters with 1 onion cut in half and crushed lemongrass to make broth. With this method, your broth will have a natural sweetness from the bones. Note, you should occasionally skim the foam to keep the broth clear and produce a more delicious product.
  • You skim the top of the fish sauce mixture mixed in step 1 into the pot of pork trotters stew and discard the residue. Next, add 2 tablespoons of seasoning powder, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt and season to taste. If you want the broth to be richer, you can reduce the amount of salt and add a little fish sauce.
  • Add the prepared satay and stir well until the pot of broth boils.

Step 5: Complete the bowl of Hue beef noodle soup

Toss the noodles briefly with boiling water. Put in a bowl, add broth and arrange toppings.

So you’ve finished the delicious traditional Hue beef noodle dish for the whole family.




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